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A kaleidoscope of dance, drama and song born in the bomb shelters of Kyiv.

Presented by Hooligan Art Community in collaboration with Mahogany Opera and imPOSSIBLE Producing.

Produced as part of the UK/Ukraine Season of Culture supported by the British Council and Ukrainian Institute.

Is there a War inside of me? 

Усі відео
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Radiation (2021 Trailer) by Hooligan Art Community

Radiation (2021 Trailer) by Hooligan Art Community

Presented by Kosmos Tabir at Ex - 2c1b, Podil, Kyiv, Ukraine on 17, 18, 19 December 2021 RADIATION is a ghost show, a catastrophe show, a collage show, about a familiar yet unfamiliar world, reconstructed from an archive of records and texts, from the pages of literature, from our memory and imagination. Using performance, movement, lighting, live video and live electronic music, the team immerses itself in personal and collective stories, forming a digital "TV studio in the head", catastrophe as a state of being: present and future. ​ Radiation Written and Devised by Hooligan Art Community, Performers Danylo Shramenko and Mirra Zhuchkova, Director Peter Cant, Live Electronic Composer Olesia Onykiienko; Lighting Design Natalka Perchyshyna, Video Design Liubov Sliusareva, Dramaturgy Eloise Lally, Movement Direction Mathis Kleinschnittger, Costume Design Paul Kuraksin, Produced by Danylo Shramenko and Peter Cant in association with Kosmos Tabir, Supported by i-Portunus and British Council (Taking the Stage 2.0), Communications Bohdan Yaremchuk, Developed in residency at Dnipro Centre of Contemporary Culture (DCCC) in collaboration with Dakh Centre for Contemporary Art / Gogolfest / Andrii Palatnyi Використовуючи перформанс, танок, світлову інсталяцію, відео арт та живу електронну музику команда занурюється в особисті та колективні історії, створюючи електронну "телестудію у ваших головах" телестудію-катастрофу, як стан буття: сучасності і майбутнього. Devised and written by the company: Режисер: Пітер Кант Продюсер: Данило Шраменко Хореограф: Матіас Клaйншніткер Драматургиня: Елуіз Лаллі Live electronic composition: Олеся Онікієнко Дизайн світла: Наталка Перчишина Режисерка відео: Любов Слюсарова Дизайнер костюмів: Павєл Кураксін Актори: Мірра Жучкова, Данило Шраменко Координато/Комунікації:Богдан Яремчук Авторка трейлеру: Любов Слюсарова Партнери проекту: Космос Табір.
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